Unitarian Universalist Association
Application Portal

General Assembly Delegate Credentials - Self Service

I want to serve as a delegate!

  • I am a Minister.

    Thank you for being a spiritual leader for this faith! Are you…

    A minister (including called, contract, interim, extension, or developmental minister) who is in fellowship (preliminary or full) with the Unitarian Universalist Association, and employed at least half-time by a certified congregation? Yes
    A community minister who maintains active involvement and affiliation with a certified congregation and working at least half time in any ministry setting. Yes
    An emeritus/a minister designated as such before December 24, 2022, at a meeting of the certified member congregation you were settled/employed by? Yes

    If your ministry is not included in one of these categories, you are unfortunately not eligible to serve as a delegate for your congregation as a Minister. However, you might be able to serve as a member delegate.

  • I am a Religious Educator.

    Thank you for being with us Our Whole Lives! Are you…

    A religious educator who is an Active member of the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) and employed by a certified congregation?

    (NOTE: Student/New, Supportive, Institutional, Life, Friend membership types are not eligible for credential)

    An emeritus/a religious educator designated as such by a vote before December 24, 2023, at a meeting of the certified member congregation you were settled/employed by? Yes

    If you are unable to say yes to any of these categories, you are unfortunately not eligible to serve as a delegate for your congregation as a Religious Educator. However, you might be able to serve as a member delegate.

  • I am a Member of a Congregation.

    On average, certified congregations receive 3 member delegate credentials which are distributed per their own process. Select your congregation below to check eligibility. Please note that the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) if listed in Boston, MA.